About Us

The amount of digital tools as an enterprise is still difficult to keep track of. For this reason, many companies no longer see where to begin and always postpone the implementation of the digital workplace to a later date.

Digit 9 wants to guide you through the implementation of your own digital workplace, based on Office 365.

We do not offer full-custom solutions, but try to stay as close as possible to the standard of Office 365, although we do try to apply the customer's own house style.

In addition to setting up and supporting a digital workplace, we also try to optimize processes through Power Automate and guarantee continuity to employees through the development of mobile applications through MS PowerApps.

Recent Blogposts

Read here about our latest findings on Office 365 related issues.

10/04/2020 - Planning your MS Teams deployment has never been more actual

If you are an IT manager, probably a lot of companies already contact you over and over again… Plan your MS Teams deployment and roll-out, or it will not go well. Think about governance, external sharing, which features do you want to roll-out and which ones certainly not.

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18/03/2020 - Org. crisis communication (via PowerApps)

I’ve successfully set up the crisis communication PowerApp solution (for organizations to help coordinate their own information sharing and team collaboration) for number of companies.

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31/07/2019 - Changes in the PowerApps Licensing Model (again)

It’s been 5 months since my last blog post and guess what… I could just reuse the title I used in February. Last week at the Inspire event, Microsoft announced that licensing will change in October.

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07/02/2019 - Changes in the PowerApps Licensing Model

Microsoft communicated a change in the licenses of PowerApps and Flow a couple of months ago, which were taken into effect last Friday (1st February). If you want to know what has been changed, enjoy this article!

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21/12/2018 - What is Citizen development and why should you embrace it?

Everyboy talks about it nowadays, but what does it mean? It is the development that is done by citizen developer, which Gartner describes as follow...

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Welcome to our story

20-12/2018 - Last month was very hectic... after 6 years of working for a semi-large company (>1000 employees) I took the step to founding my own company, called Digit 9.

With this company I want to focus on helping companies with questions about their digital workplace. So what can you expect from this blog?

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Contact us

Contact us to talk about your next project!

Contact person: Dries Verdonckt
Email: dries@digit9.be
Mobile: +32 476 88 24 76